logo redesign

Time for a Logo Redesign? Know When to Revamp Your Brand Trademark

A powerful logo can say a lot about your business. Many will associate it with your brand’s overall value, so getting it right the first time is rewarding. On the other hand, as your company evolves, your look may have to evolve along with it, which means occasionally tweaking or adjusting your brand mark. Think about it—the logo symbol you had in the 90s may not resonate with your customers in 2020. 

When to Redesign?

Redesigning your logo may seem like a low-priority task, but an updated look can pay off significantly. But before you get started on dismantling your existing logo design, make sure that a full remodel is really what you need by asking yourself these key questions.

  1. Has your business recently expanded or changed?

Consider whether your business has gone through any recent changes. Maybe you’ve introduced a roster of new products and services, renovated your headquarters, or created an entirely new department. If this is the case, it might be time for a redesign. 

  1. Are you squaring off with a new competition?

Being the best in your industry means you’ll constantly be facing some others looking to take a share of the market. A new player in the game might mean having to let your existing customers know you’re the most up-to-date.

  1. Are you reaching out to a new audience?

Excellent customer retention makes for a happy business, but there comes a time you’ll have to start speaking to a younger audience. A new logo can help you connect with fresh prospects while maintaining your existing customer base.

  1. Is your logo dated?

As your business ages, keeping up with the times is imperative. Perhaps your aesthetic is looking a little obsolete and in need of a modern update. 

  1. Have you changed your mission and vision?

As your business evolves, so does its personality. Your logo should always reflect these changes. 

Determining whether you need a logo redesign or logo refresh

Logo redesign

A full logo redesign entails incorporating new messaging, a new color scheme, and sometimes a new take on your company’s name. It will sometimes require that you apply these changes to your branding and marketing altogether, such as on business cards or your company website. 

Logo refresh

Similar to a makeover, a logo refresh is all about making subtle changes that complement existing design elements. Sometimes it means simplifying your logo look, adjusting your color palette, or updating your typography. 

Tips on a logo redesign

If you’ve had previous experience updating logo designs, chances are the process will remain the same. That being said, if you haven’t updated your logo in a while, you may need a bit of a refresher. Take note of these logo redesign dos and don’ts:


  • Compare new logos to old ones as a measure of success

  • Jump into redesigning when you’re too excited or anxious

  • Make any changes if you aren’t ready for a complete overhaul


  • Focus on how your new logo best represents your brand and connects with customers

  • Sleep on any changes to ensure you’re making changes for the right reasons

  • Set aside time to update other marketing materials, if needed


A complete logo redesign can be daunting, but if you’re doing so for the right reasons, it’ll all be worth the effort. Consider partnering up with an AI logo maker such as ours at Logo AI. 

We prioritize enhancing your brand identity by creating logos that are professional and 100% unique - Give us a try at LogoAI to get the best logo design!

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